A highly sensitive intuitive her entire life, Suzanne has honed her helper skills within a 17-year healing arts practice, most recently developing her craft as a soundscaper.
She creates spaces of respite and experiences to nurture while offering guidance that recognizes the need to honor your soul development while caretaking the practicalities of life.
Suzanne “gets” the unique factors that come into play for highly sensitive people in life and in biz because she lives it too!
As a SONIC ENERGY SHIFTER, she creates soulful pauses and fine-tuned reclamation experiences; expanding capacities to heal and thrive where YOUR TRUTHS can emerge and integrate. Wielding her gifts of inquiry + exploration, Suzanne serve as a seasoned guide for clarifying the language of Soul + Spirit, applying skilled support and deploying potent healing techniques.
Her offerings are steeped in depth, meaning, care and kindness.
The Path… So Far
With ten+ years as a paralegal in the corporate world before finding her soul’s work in the healing arts, Suzanne appreciates the negative effects of stress and tension piled on by long work weeks, looming deadlines and the fast pace and high expectations of today’s work environments.
Graduating from the Southwest Institute of the Healing Arts (SWIHA) in 2001 with a massage practitioner degree led to work in a chiropractic office, where she developed the skills needed to work on clients with specific injuries or issues. From there the path led to the day spa community where an introduction to energy work occurred and her Reiki training began.
In 2009, Suzanne returned to SWIHA for certifications in Transformational Life Coaching and Hypnotherapy. And in 2011, she began intensive training on a shamanic path. Her apprenticeship with Spirit continues today.
As a highly sensitive person, Suzanne navigates the full spectrum of human moods and emotions, honoring the fruitfulness of darkness and light... motion and stillness. She carries understandings of profound pain, depressive cycles and the joy and fulfillment of souls set aloft.
Gongs & Drums
Bells, Bowls & Chimes
Harmonic Monochord
Forks that sing, Forks that shake
Original Guided Imagery Meditations
Energy Weaving & Field Clearing

I provide a sacred and comfortable environment for clients.
I take all reasonable precautions to respect the privacy of and provide confidentiality to those with whom I work.
I work in ways that will promote client autonomy, well-being and maintain respect and dignity.
I honor the magnificence in each client and believe guiding wisdom lies within each client.
I respect and appreciate my client’s time. I strive to always be on-time for appointments.
I conduct business honestly, fairly and with high respect of others.
I possess no ‘medical’ credentials, therefore no diagnosis of physical symptoms will be offered.
I support the principle that professional practice requires professional and continuing education.
RYS 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training from Urban Yoga (2018)
Cranial-Neural Support for Longevity with Marsha Craven (2017)
Reiki: Certified Level 1 & II Practitioner (2003) Master Certification (2007) Master Teacher Certification (2016)
Coursework: Advanced Hypnotherapy - subconscious intervention, past life regression, spirit releasement, trance counseling (2011-13) SWIHA
Shamanic Apprenticeship: (2011-2012) 9 months with Robin Rice
Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Certification (2010) SWIHA
Transformational Life Coaching Certification (2009) SWIHA
500 Hour Massage Practitioner (2000-2001) Southwest Institute of the Healing Arts (SWIHA)