A six minute visual guided meditation created for your beautiful wonder-filled creative being.
A brief guided meditation / storytelling for sleepytime or when you just need to slow down a bit.
Dreamwork is about developing skills to sift, savor and "mine the gold" from the magnificent resource that is your inner dreamer. Nurturing a relationship with your dreams can positively inform, guide and inspire your waking life.
In addition to a helpful resource guide, I’ve also recorded “DREAMER’S WISH” a guided visualization for your enjoyment.
Enjoy access to my mini e-book as support for my fellow sensitive folk.
From 2013 - 2015, I hosted the SOULS ALOFT PODCAST, a show created NOT because I have the answers, but because I value deep conversation around the questions. Listen in as my guests and I engage in soulful exploration on a variety of topics that remain relevant and interesting (in my humble opinion).
Here you'll find a handful of the 15 episodes that live on. Click on any episode from the list and it will begin to play with a brief 30 second "commercial" before the show begins. Should you choose to peruse the remaining episode options, you can go HERE.