Souls Aloft Conversation #16 - How to shift when you've turned your Bliss into a Hustle and it's become a drudge. As a natural explorer and highly sensitive being, I am exploring and living the questions that keep my Soul Aloft. If you allow yourself to drift into the essence of these conversations, inspiration and meaning can come alive for YOU!
Souls Aloft Podcast: Answering a Call To Service with Robin Carlton
Whether it's for a cause, a community or an individual, how do the nudges (or shoves) toward service show up in our lives? How can we find time in the midst of constant and ongoing daily life demands to honor where we are drawn to serve or what we feel pulled to create or build? How do we stay true to our "mission" once we accept and embark on this kind of a journey? These are the questions we held in our discussion for this podcast.
Souls Aloft Podcast: Sacred Stillness as Self-Care
In this Souls Aloft Radio episode, we explored sacred stillness as a concept and delved into how my guest, Sonja Haller is experimenting with her own practice of sacred stillness in her blog project: 52 SABBATHS.
Dreamwork and the Magic of Sharing...
I awoke today with a hazy sense of a full night of active dreaming. Because I had ignored all of the dream recall tips I offer in my Introduction To Dreamwork classes, only a strange snippet of the story remained. Even so, this snippet – this dangling thread – stayed with me, tickling my consciousness yet revealing nothing.