I don't have answers. But I know that while my privileges are not my fault, they are my responsibility to acknowledge. My task... to get aware and remain aware, even when it's tricky. To awaken and STAY awake even when it's hard.

So why not dive in head first at the first inclination? Why not go full throttle into the waters of sharing and leading and facilitating for others the moment you get the nudge or the idea?
Because facilitating experiences for others is SACRED business. And, culturally we are wired for EXPEDIENCY. These two factors don't HAVE to be at odds, but often are and rarely do they easily reconcile. It's just plan tricky. Successful navigation requires great attention and consistent AWARENESS.

You wish to be a positive impact on our world. You see all that is unattended or under-defended in our society and want to dive in, yet become overwhelmed; daunted by the effort it would take to move the needle at all, let alone make any real difference. As a highly sensitive creature, your drive to help confronts your limitations and, possibly, a real inability to adapt to or entrain your energy with our current culture-at-large.

Take the leap. Your wings will show up on the way down… they say.
But here’s a thing to realize … the GENUINE folks you see living life from “their gut” and taking action based simply on their “knowing” — well — the truth is likely that there is nothing simple about it. There are a MULTITUDE of factors involved some of which include: honed gifts, practiced skillsets, non-publicized struggles, challenges & hardships and to be completely real … resources and privilege.
Deep listening … taking aligned action steps … following a greater path … this is not STRAIGHT LINE LIVING. Sometimes it does mean leaps of faith and hoping some wings show up for loft to carry us further forward and onward.
But when walking in wisdom and employing discernment, I do NOT take that leap from a height that decimates me should my wings not unfurl in THAT moment.

You never know who you might help if you RESIST the urge to lead with a verbal or energetic disclaimer that you’re NOT meant to help them (however they might identify internally or externally…. on the surface or deep down inside).
This applies to business, yes. But imagine for a moment how this can apply to your general walk in life. Do you ever miss connections or interesting encounters or beneficial relationships because you’ve internally presorted your people preferences? I’m NOT suggesting you throw out your boundaries, filters and intuition. I AM simply wondering if you’ve checked in lately about how you employ the knowledge you’ve gained about how you best operate in the world.
When mapping… tracking… safeguarding your resources and capacities as a highly sensitive being, your individuality is the key.
My FIRST tenet for the highly sensitive being to flourish in our world is TO KNOW YOURSELF.

As a profoundly sensitive human, I am careful and particular about who + what I interact with. When someone is only willing to be / work / stay / explore IN THE LOVE + THE LIGHT then there likely awaits a shit-ton of untended information / wisdom / juice / dormant potential AND ALSO warnings + landmines. Ignored or untended material can become volatile, awaiting opportunity to burst forth or seep out from the shadows bringing tumult - often manifesting as DRAMA.
We ALL carry untended material, but if you refuse to explore yours or honor it in others, you may be walking with quite a stockpile and working with a mighty big blindspot.

Let’s be real. Chaos is unavoidable. And not all chaos is bad. I don’t mean… let’s be neutral about chaos… although I think that’s also a helpful tactic.
I’m saying that my well honed chaos detector activates panic and deploys shields (that once SAVED me) sometimes too soon. And I miss out on the ENJOYMENT of the chaotic parts of creative endeavors.

I've been moving toward simplification in my life with a concentration on a slower pace in 2018 (externally AND internally). An evolution of this focus is QUALITY over QUANTITY, and it's showing up in a few ways. For example, my numbers are DOWN across the board in all aspects of my business.
How's that for a paradox?