Souls Aloft Conversation #16 - How to shift when you've turned your Bliss into a Hustle and it's become a drudge. As a natural explorer and highly sensitive being, I am exploring and living the questions that keep my Soul Aloft. If you allow yourself to drift into the essence of these conversations, inspiration and meaning can come alive for YOU!

What I am governed by remains unchanged! My principles DO NOT waver with a shift in the winds or changing of the guard. My values, personal truths and genuine concern for those less privileged than myself are NOT compromised by perceived loss or newly elected officials. Nothing is over. The world spins and my responsibilities remain.

When life is NOT working, it’s often difficult to delineate specifically WHAT is not working. When something’s gotta give, and what gives is ME (in this instance my health) then it’s a fair assumption that active change is in order. So...

When too much misunderstanding, negativity or hurt damages a relationship, a business connection, a group you belong to or a sphere of influence you're connected to then what once brought nourishment and satisfaction can now be a great detriment. If a "food" source is either tainted or no longer digestible by your energetic system, you must find other sustenance.

Time to Renegotiate?
Internal assessments can be daunting. It’s hard to know what change might come when you move toward AWAKE + AWARE. However, it can be equally uncomfortable and far more damaging long-term to stay in denial. Have your TRUE needs changed and now live in conflict with your commitments? Or, have you lost connection to your vision? Is the former comfort of what is known creating friction as it rubs against what's next? Are you reacting from an outdated personal paradigm you still have one foot planted in?

Reclaiming Magic
I’ve now set out on a mission of reclamation. I will reunite with my magic. Of that I feel certain. I share this story today as an invitation to YOU.
Find your personal magic!
If you’ve lost it, pray for reconnection and form a search party

Perfectly & Proportionately Whelmed
I've wished to be perfectly and proportionately whelmed! For 46 years in rotation the wish lived: a quest for the magical mystical sweet spot.

Perhaps You Never Knew
Lead me away from the injustice of battle & I will shower our world with wonder.
For I am the strongest and most vulnerable.
Have you forgotten? Perhaps you never knew.