following are messages from my recent medicine walk
It's okay to GROW SLOW because you ENDURE
Be sure your measuring stick is calibrated to the majesty of your true trajectory. Your flashy, zooming contemporaries might make you feel like you're not "getting anywhere", but yours is a completely different growth chart. TRUST THAT!
And because you endure, it may feel as if "the HITS just keep on coming". Truth is, the challenges, perceived failures, "BLESSONS" and outright fumbles of life shape your character and carve the direction of your path.
what scores or scars also informs and inspires!
You can STORE and CULTIVATE life force
Just like the saguaro absorbs and stores water allowing it to SURVIVE in extreme environments, you can soak in what's needed to survive and prosper especially
during intense, bleak or inhospitable stretches.
You are able to serve
What you BUILD + GROW INTO provides nourishment and habitat for others. Inner work allows you to be of service in your life + your relationships + OUR WORLD. Choose in!
Develop + refine ALL these propensities
to support the journey of becoming the
grand majestic YOU.
If you've yet to recognize, honor and
claim the grand + majestic expanding within... I invite you to explore that possibility now.
I stand tall and grateful for
these gifts from Saguaro.
Should you require or desire support for your process, I offer PERSONAL PATH GUIDANCE SESSIONS, and an ongoing online MEDICINE OF THE MOMENT subscription for sensitive + spiritual beings.
Loving me / Rooting for you,