PHOTO CREDIT: xandert via morguefile
recorded version should you prefer to listen not read
but be sure to scroll to the bottom of the post for additional content
On a recent morning, a pair of ravens in tight formation and synchronized movement flew 15 feet over my backyard as I enjoyed my morning coffee. While there is typically a mated pair of Ravens making their home in the foothill territory to the west of me, it is NOT common for me to see them together and certainly not in a silent synchronized flight directly overhead.
So it was one of those pause in awe moments. And an invitation for me to feel for any soul magic or life juice available or attainable through the portal of this moment.
One of the first things that came to mind was Huginn and Munnin. In old norse mythology these are a pair of ravens who take flight over the mortal world each day and then report back to the norse god Odin. Huginn translates to thought… and Muninn translates roughly to memory.
I got to thinking (playfully) about what they might observe and report about me. And some powerful dots connected.
I’m currently in a business program and about to embark on a review of the last 75 days of a 90-day productivity system I’ve been learning. And while I haven’t begun that process just yet, the topic is certainly dancing around in my awareness.
These ravens brought the topic front and center in my mind and illuminated the importance both of the topic AND sharing it.
I believe a personal REVIEW + REFLECT process is a vital component to SACRED WELLNESS especially for the sensitive explorer.
We are well served by claiming time to disconnect from the din… shift into a neutral + supportive space (both externally & internally) to then reflect, assess and take stock.... whether in a business like manner with a notebook and pen... or more ritualized with a candle, a meditation and your favorite essential oil blend... or in your own unique way.
My personal evaluations tend to encompass a span of time rather than a single focused sit-down event. In my process I ask questions. But, I like to ask… and then LIVE the question for awhile.
If you’re not sure what I mean by that, I talk more about it in a Souls Aloft Conversation on my YouTube channel titled… RECONCILING EXPANSION WITH SECURITY. You’ll find a link to that video below.
A powerful set of questions I am living right now is… What feels unchangeable or unmovable in my life? How might I shift my relationship to it? And THEN what could that change or move?
What you do with what you find or what you glean from this process is also important and sacred. Making a plan for your goals, and plotting out a realistic and attainable course for those goals is no small or simple thing. So be kind to yourself in that process. And seek assistance if you need it.
With regards to your own process… whether it’s an event or a season… do you REVIEW? I’m intrigued to know more about your process for reflection and what you do with the unearthed material, if you’d like to share.
Feel free to reach out and let me know how this lands for you.