As the Pendulum Swings... where did all this yuck come from?
The pendulum, having completed this leg of it's journey, does what pendulums do. It returns, back past center, to the opposite side where darker feelings reside, and things begin to feel... well... yucky. Since I've basked in the fresh joys at the new wider edge of my (pendulum's) positive swing, I now zoom past the center point, cruise through all of my known ugly and negative thoughts and inch further into newly uncovered dark and painful places. This would be the point in the metaphor where I'm becoming particularly perturbed and my inner-victim dialogue rages.

My Destiny: a full moon's hodgepodge of epiphanies
I do not typically remove myself from a comfortable bed at 4:30 a.m., but following that compulsion got me a front row seat for a performance of natural splendor. The divine beauty conveyed an impression of miracles to my mind and embossed that ear-to-ear grin onto my heart.
Who cares that I feel like crap? Not me (anymore).
An underlying inexplicable frailty prevails for me and daily life revolves…has always revolved…around its management with varying degrees of success. I have begun pondering the possibility that sub-par physical health simply "is what it is" for me. If that is indeed my truth, I have an opportunity to accept that and reconsider a few things.
Upping the Ante: breaking through resistance to find some truth
An often repeated and retweeted quote has been tickling my awareness. Maya Angelou said “A bird doesn’t sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song”. On the surface, this didn’t appear to directly correlate to my situation but, it kept coming back into my mind until I realized: we all have something to say… to the world… to our peers… to ourselves. My strong sense of “nothing to say” revealed itself to be, simply, resistance. Resistance to what I didn’t yet know. I made a shift and decided to up the ante and set out for a breakthrough.

Pruning my deadwood: a terrifying proposition
This post is dedicated to Syda, Carla and the power of Sisterhood (a true blessing of revolving support amongst a group of trusted souls). If you do not have these forces present in your life, I implore you to be open to the amazing possibilities they provide.On a recent morning, I lounged in my backyard, sipping coffee perfection...
When life hits the skids and delight goes underground...way underground.
I fell further to a place of gripe, grouse and grouch. It's an all too familiar state of being for my inner depletion junkie. (Oh the joys of a downward spiral). No matter how I imagined turning it around, no matter what positive affirming steps I took or soothing words of worth I spoke, I was stuck in that old story: spinning, stewing and revolving.
AHA MOMENT! Busting down habits of NOT-Doing
Sometimes we have habits of doing... sometimes we have habits of NOT doing. Hot Damn! That's my deal.
I've been downsized... thank God!
As a result of all this glorious downsizing, I received the full benefit of each and every exercise we practiced: as a coach and a client. The entire weekend becoming a valuable lesson in the power and beauty inherent in the act of letting go.