The Good Life
You called to mewith that beautiful song, and I declined: too busy, too achy, too me.
The Reminder-ers
...twinkling perforations dazzle a dark summer sky tinkering with perceptual reality niggling at complacent tendencies oh, mischievous Reminder Beings
What have I been up to? It's a Puzzler...
This puzzle and I spent a lot of time together that afternoon and in the days since. It told me a story, that I'd like to share with you. These pieces of wood spoke to me about how we all have ongoing puzzles to solve in our lives. Sometimes they are the smaller, less weighty puzzling matters and other times they are our big-picture-personal-conundrums we are striving to solve.
Going With The Flow: not as passive as it sounds
It's said that the only control we have is in how we respond to the events in our lives. I wholeheartedly agree and yet, as evidenced by my recurring over-emotional reactions, some part of me has not deciphered how to "live" the positive potentiality of this belief. Then, this morning, a new perspective on old information emerged with the help of this quote.
Knowledge vs. Knowing and which leads to Living
Life is fluid, alive and moving, not a static moment of knowing. The answers aren't all here (in the physical world) or all there (in the etheric realms). Life is false starts, adjustments, new perspectives, challenges, successes and failures. These are the ingredients for knowledge not knowing, for living not hedging.
So you want to be an astronaut...
Remember back to your childhood daydreams or imaginary playtime adventures, the ones we tend to consider whimsical and ridiculous now. Choose one of those and explore the energy behind it. Did you claim you wanted to be an astronaut? Could it be that you crave the adventure of new or little known realms? You don't have to go into space to follow the desire to explore new things.