Walking The Labyrinth...Walking My Gifts
Suddenly, I had the strong urge to take the token gifts out of the bag and hold them in my hands. And it clicked. These are a representation of my gifts… and I am walking them back out into the world. I felt confidant, supported and at ease. It was a strong and powerful metaphor, and I got chills up my spine. Good chills!You see, I've been in a place lately of questioning how best to bring my work to clients. Questioning how best to package… present… market… highlight… offer. Better said, I've been worrying about how to bring clients to my work.
Pausing At The Threshold
I hope to be real instead of right,mighty over impervious in awe without overwhelm and besotted in full.

Souls Aloft Podcast: Fairytales, Myths & Stories with Jenn Poniatowski
I'm excited to bring you the first ever broadcast of Souls Aloft Radio with Suzanne Wigginton. A show, not because I have the answers, but because I value deep conversation around the questions. Join me and my awesome guests as we engage in soulful exploration!
Introducing Souls Aloft Radio with Suzanne Wigginton
The Souls Aloft radio show has been created not because I have The Answers, but because I value deep conversation around the questions. I will be pairing fun and exciting guests with soulful topics for discussion. We will have our topic and some direction to go with it, yet we will hold this direction loosely to allow for the insights and inspiration that result from the magic of the flow of a great meandering conversation. It is my hope and belief that as a listener, you can tune in and claim a little of that magic as your own, or at least be engaged with your own ideas, thoughts and feelings on our topics.

Scorekeeping and the Now Piece
from this place of armamentmy soul lay to waste withering between alive and dead locked in a straitjacket of integrity

Exhaust (a spiral dance)
when hungry whispers collideclamoring for definition their call for clear intention feels like a taunt, and with a desperate bid for order honesty muddies into manipulation a well-seasoned skill underscores that there is yet an "I" who can not be trusted.

A Trajectory...
The shift out of fear and into curiosity begets animation from neutrality...Liberated from a canvas, Spirit can nurture new mediums through me...An ever evolving installation of magic, elegance and revery,LIFE itself becomes prayer in motion.
Dreamwork and the Magic of Sharing...
I awoke today with a hazy sense of a full night of active dreaming. Because I had ignored all of the dream recall tips I offer in my Introduction To Dreamwork classes, only a strange snippet of the story remained. Even so, this snippet – this dangling thread – stayed with me, tickling my consciousness yet revealing nothing.