How a Stolen iPhone Revealed an Opportunity to Heal My Inner Child
But, it is my practice to look at the events of my life and ask, "What can this tell me that I don't know or don't remember or need to shift a perspective around?" This is my way. I stay curious about everything.
Souls Aloft Podcast: Wisdom Keepers, Crones & Eldership
WISDOM KEEPERS: EXPLORING THE UNTAPPED ASSET OF OUR ELDERS. We're talking about aging, eldership + claiming the magic of the crone years

Souls Aloft Podcast: Following Passions, Finding Purpose
Following your passions to find your purpose. We explore this topic with Joan Treppa, a citizen advocate for the wrongfully convicted.
You Never Know When or How You'll Be Called to Serve
I spent the next week in the throes of new love, adoring every wiggle and wobble, as they provided new angles of cuteness to delight in, photograph and share. I bounded out of bed each morning to check on my little friend, who I named Meep.
Servant or Slave
I pondered a bit and realized that to me being a slave to something vs. being a servant to something are two very different ideas.
Kiss of the boomerang
And what I'm learning about ME is that I show up. I really show up in my life and my work and my relationships MOST of the time. And then, when I can't show up, what I've built, shows up for me. So today, I'm giving myself kudos for that, instead of tearing myself down or feeling bad about a life & business on-hold and all the perceived collateral damage inherent in that. Today, I give thanks for connections made and carried and for the kiss of the boomerang traveled home.

An Unpleasant Stretch of Road
So the bit of road I'm traveling at the moment is a rutted, bumpy mess, but I'm still moving forward. I know that the condition of the current stretch of road WILL shift, because that is the way with roads.